来自: Biz
写信 : 27-02-2017
将被发送 : 10-12-2017
Dear Biz,

Hey, it's me! Well, err, you, I guess. ^_^ I hope you're doing well, mostly because it means I'm doing well. I know you're happier in Ohio, even if you miss your Texas family. You're going to do great! Keep up the good hard work, it'll be worth it in the end.

Thank you for lasting this long. I know we didn't plan on making it this far. You're sixteen! Just think, a couple of years ago you didn't even plan on reaching fifteen and yet, here you are, you wonderful human, you! Living is worth it, I promise. So keep going, no matter what. Think of all the wonderful things you've experienced simply because we persevered one more day, one more hour, one more minute. Never give up.

Remember that you're beautiful and deeply loved. Remember what Trisha told you; you're brave. You're strong. God loves you and made you exactly how He wants you to be. He tells you all the time that He loves you. All those times you look in the mirror and genuinely like yourself, your body, your face, your personality, that's God, loving you, and loving you loving yourself. Hold on to those moments; if you just brush it aside then the Enemy can come and take it away from you. You need to cling to His word on your heart and never let go. You are going to be *9th Doctor voice* fantastic!

Enjoy theatre. Enjoy reading. Enjoy writing. Enjoy television shows and cartoons. Enjoy movies. Enjoy clothes, hairstyles, makeup, design, art, colours and life and death and love and birth and peace and war on the planet Earth. Be a person. Don't ever be ashamed of your interests, and don't ever feel guilty about your passions. Be unique. You don't get harmony if everyone sings the same tune. Stand out. Sing it to yourself: "On this day, I'll finally listen to what's been calling me. All it takes is letting go of what other people think of me. This way, I'll stand out and break away to be free. Happiness is what I can't live without, it's time to stand out."

More importantly, enjoy family. Never take for granted any precious second God lets you spend with a loved one. Who knows when you may never get the chance again?

Sweetie, I love you, INFP glory and all. Be an introvert, just be unafraid. Be smart, just stay humble. Be passionate, just don't let feelings dictate your life. Experience the world, just make sure everyone else can, too. Don't change for anyone. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is worth that. No man, woman, or child, no human being on the face of this Earth can make you into something you don't want to be. Be strong. Live. Laugh. Love. Don't just survive, live. Don't just exist, be you. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Keep holding on, love. You're going places.

Love, Biz
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