Proud of you my dilaw, yesterday I just realized the most obvious thing in my life, it is realizing that I don't need to find myself their so-called dilaw, it's because I have myself. Dear self, I...
Labas,Aiste.Šiandien dar vienas bevertis vakaras,praleistas prie kompiuterio.Mastau apei ateitį.Kas bus?Tikiuosi,turi mažą mergaitę.Jos vardas..Alisa.Visda norėjau tokio vardo savo...
congratulations! Your letter has been saved and will be sent on 19-06-2022.
before your letter is sent, it will be safely stored in the swiss alps. Would you like to see where it is?
yo man, this is you from December 20, 2023. you will be 16,17,18 by the time you get this letter i have a few questions How is the cut going right now it's not going too well but not bad. are you...
Привет! как ты? надеюсь что ты жива и прочтешь это сообщение, на данный момент ты встречаешься с Димой и...