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Well, i don't really know what to say besides keep studying and looking over the notes we do in class and also try your best. Always try to smile and be happy as much as possible. Gotta raise that...

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Dear FutureMe, A year has passed since i wrote this letter. Hope you have good grades, a girlfriend, friends, money and parents. Did i change? How\\\'s clash of clans going ( if im still...

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Mielasis Daumantai, dabar yra 2013m Balandžio 19 diena. Pasiruošiau Tavo gimtadieniui... Rytoj ateisiu pasveikint. Rytoj Tavo gimtadienis... O dabar nežinau, jau šventei ar dar ne, tikiuosi...

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Ar yra dar žmonių, kurie dar saugo savo vertybes? Ar yra žmogus, kuriam aš rūpėčiau nuoširdžiai? Širdis mano pilna skausmo, sudraskyta. Sunku gyventi, sunku kvepuoti... Rašau, nes esu...

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Dear Alexa, Right now we have a fairly optimistic outlook on life and I hope that hasn’t changed. The only thing we are afraid of is social interactions. Which basically means that...

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