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Dear Sophia, Hello! It has been a while! Today you are probably starting school (assuming you are still going to RTHS). As I am writing this, it is July 30th, 2013. I am in summer school, which...

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Hey buddy you should be at least a boss or a manager right now. If you already are then I guess it is time to lay all our cards. If you dont have any Idea what I am talking about then check the...

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Sveiki Tėveliai, Jei gavot šį laišką, tai reiškias laiškas į ateitį puikiai suveikė. Taip taip taip aš rašau būtent iš praeities. Nesi jaudinkit, su laiko mašina į praeitį...

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Dear Oren Hey it's me Oren. I hope that I get my dream job. I also want my dream job still to be an accountant. I hope life will be easy. I hope that I will still be living in 1818 Montague Rd....

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Niall Horan Harry Styles Zayn Malik Louis Tomlinsoon Liam Payne ONE DIRECTION One Dream , one band , ONE DIRECTION 2010 -

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