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Hey, it's me, Gadya :) I hope you'll get this letter..I am writing it now, 03.01.2011 at 23:13 in Lithuania, Rokiškis. Tomorrow at 04:05 in the morning am going to Vilnius. I don't know, what's...

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Mylimas broliuk ir sūnau! Sveikinam su gražiu jubiliejum. Tik kartą gyvenime būna 18, todėl linkim, kad šis gimtadienis būtų pats nuostabiausias! Linkim meilės šansų ir finansų! :*

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Albert, this is you from 2021, you're currently sitting in Mr. Beltran's class as the only physical kid, at the moment. Hopefully this reaches you as you're celebrating your cumpleano, tell Mam and...

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Hi tin! kumusta? maraming deadlines noh pero kaya mo yan! give your best in everything you do as 'cause you are working for God :) use your talent na rin :) be courageous! may plan si Lord sa buhay...

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Добрый день, Марина! Мы занимаемся созданием уникального оборудования, которое поможет вам воплотить в...

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