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Letzte Briefe
Dear Future Me, I saw a ticktock of a guy who wrote a letter to himself three years into the future... So i decided to do that as well. Its Wednesday, May 20th 2020 i'm in 9th grade and were...

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Hello. Today is supposedly our 8th anniversary. Pero today din nagreply yung kathrina jane torres mo dun sa tanong ko kung nililigawan mo ba sya. And she answered yes. Ganda ng timing nya....

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Hello! It’s so great to see you! Bye! ØwØ

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bruv when you walk in oof OAH nucc owo ainsley data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhU QEhIVFRIVFRUQFRUQFRAVFRIVFRUWFxUSFRUYHSggGB0lGxUVI...

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Ciao Chiara del futuro, sono passati 5 anni da quando Francesco mi ha linkato questo sito (lamentandosi dell\'ansia che gli provocava!)e mi ha fatto venir voglia di scriverti. Oggi è il...

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