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Labas,Aiste, O gal nereikia tarti labas sau? Nustebai tiesa? Kvaila, kad nežinau ką rašyti. Skaitau kitų laiškus, bet jie tokie naivūs. Naivūs? Gal geriau beprasmiai. Na šį laišką...

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Racconta in breve quello che mi è successo dal 2013 al 2020. Il Milan che fine ha fatto? Ho avuto qualche fidanzata? La mia carriera scolastica come si è evoluta? Dove vivo? La mia passione...

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DearFuture Sara, It's been since 9/17/2012! Where are you at this time? Do you have your own studio? Living it up? Married to the man of your dreams? Are you still with Troy Hirschhorn? Did he...

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Dear future me, Life right now is fun right now, lets hope that it stays this way. Our grades are “okay” and I hope that our grades in high school grades are better then now. If we change...

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Labas, Tėti ir Mama! Šis laiškas atskriejo iš ateities. Dabar man 15 metų ir šiandieninė data trodo taip: 2013.06.30 . Tikiuosi jog 2023 metais aš vis dar gyva ir sveika, jūs taip pat.♥...

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