Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
Letzte Briefe
Von: Andrew Butler
Geschrieben : 15-08-2012
Wird versandt : 18-05-2014
Dear Andrew,

You wrote this letter sitting from your Clyde & Co desk on August 15th 2012 at 8:58am.

You will hopefully be reading this on your 21st birthday. Here is trusting that everything you have ever wanted is yours or will soon be.
I want you to be reading this in three years time, reading it as a Assistant Management Accountant. Also, I wonder if you have a tattoo yet?
What happened with Rosie Scrace? Did anything progress with Vicky Minett?

I hope you still have your positive attitude and that you are still living like you only live once.

I wonder if you will still be living at the address on this letter in 2014? Only one way to find out.

your 19 year old self.
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