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To k3 Yo! It's 20th of April already.. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ...uh yeah.. happy birthday. So you're 16 right now? Owwww such an old woman!! Haha. Simply, i hope all of your positive wishes...

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Bro you just finished your first year of college, Lowkey an epic Big Chungus moment. Right now I just finished my first quarter at UW and I think I did pretty decent besides for that 83.85% in...

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Labas, Justele. Šį laišką pati sau parašei 2011.09.21 dieną, lygiai 22 valandą. Noriu tave pasveikinti su artėjančiu mokyklos baigimu ir tikiuosi, kad gerai išlaikysi egzaminus ir...

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Sveikas! Turbūt jau esi neblogai prakalęs PS ir AE. Įdomų kokia versija jau pas jus ten sukurta :D Aš tai va, sėdžiu, dešimtoje klasėje. Mokausi gitaros, Bacho "Menueto" ir "Romanso"....

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Hi Mum and Dad. Just wanted to send you a letter for Christmas from the past. Yes its early for Xmas but is to avoid late delivery. Anyway just wanted to say how much I love you both and how...

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