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Labas Justina, Taigi, tavo svajonė išsipildė, sulaukei tikro laiško. Tik šis laiškas šiek tiek kitoks. Tau rašo Justina prieš 10 metų. Ta pati svajoklė, meniškos sielos, gyvenimo...

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Dear Lika, It is Thursday, 10:20 and there is 40 more minutes left till your pre-last duty with Niki. You were talking about Georgia and you both gave promise that Niki and Keti will visit you...

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Test.. Try try

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س اتحسن بالكتابة

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Dear Coleman happy birthday. Hopefully you\'re a officer in the navy now. I hope your still married to Liza. Maybe you have kids now. I love you and your family. Good luck. See you soon.

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