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Dear Travious Hinton it,s 8:54 You sitting at a computer while espn is on TV. So i wonder where you are now, Are In Columbus I hope you are alive and doing well. You know God is good how many...

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Sveikas, Šiandien tavo gimtadienis ar ne? Sveikinu ir sėkmės!!! (Aš)

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Dear future self, Where ever you are, whoever you are, and whoever you are with, I truly and honestly wish you are happy. Right at this moment, I am not in the best place of my life. I am in a...

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سلام خودم میدونی که دوستت دارم مهم نیست الان در چه حالی هستی مهم اینه که کسایی که دوست داری کنارت باشن...

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Niekada nepamiršk,jog gyvenimas nelaukia ,kol tu pasiryši. Daryk, mylėk,negalvok, nesvarbu ką ir kaip. Padaryk viską ,kad sekundė,kurioje esi būtų verta žodžio "Fantasmagoriška"....

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