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Ciao Ricky, Come stai piccolo mio? Spero avrai ancora questo indirizzo quando ti arriverà questa e-mail, altrimenti si perderà nel vuoto. Ti sto scrivendo dal lontano 15 Maggio 2018, sono...

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My favorite part of 6 grade was meeting new people because it's fun hanging out with them at school and out of school. My friends are aiden w , kammaree , darrien , aiden b , donnie. And I like...

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yo man, this is you from December 20, 2023. you will be 16,17,18 by the time you get this letter i have a few questions How is the cut going right now it's not going too well but not bad. are you...

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23:49 | 121720 |Thursday Hi, Suzu-san! I am writing you a letter today, after days of missing to do it. You helped someone to be positive! It was Phinn from COSP (discord server) You...

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dear future me, happy eighteenth. ***** before you read this, play "abandon window" by jon hopkins. (also props to damon dominique for inspiring me to do this.) i'm writing this on...

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