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Hey Vegas, it's your 18th birthday!!! I'm 13 currently and I want 3 things for you to remember when you move on form the rest of the world. 1. Remember Michael? Well I hope you still do. He, he...

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Hey you, happy birthday. I know you probably forgot you wrote this letter, hopefully so it will be a nice surprise haha. Well I just wanted to remind you to never give up on your dreams. You're...

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Привет, Гю. Давно не виделись. Ты-это я, но из прошлого. Будь внимателен в людях, что бы они не делали тебе...

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Hey Mo. So you should be graduation high school today or around today. This is the 8th grade you if you didn't remember. I hope you're still reading. Are you still playing guitar, piano or still...

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Hi, How are you? It's been 3 years I guess and while typing this it saddens me that you left me in pain. To be honest with you I miss you so much today and I still want you back in my life...

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