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Dear Future me, Time past very fast, now I’m already a third grades senior high school student. Nowadays of me, just keep preparing for commencement examination. After the school, I’ll go to...

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Dear Axel i hope you are fine Today I want to tell you that you are a brave and kind person, that even if you feel that you need someone by your side remember that you have your family and...

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я надеюсь ты добилась всего что хотела, и война же уже закончилась?... В любом случае, удачи

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YOU'RE 24!!? What the heck!? Just kidding, that's pretty young. I'm 19 right now. Pretty crazy. I'm just finishing my first semester at BYU-Idaho and I love it. This winter I'll be staying in...

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Labas, su gimimo diena!!! :DD, kaip sekasi? Tikiuosi, kad gerai :), ar jau turi šeima vaikų? Beja, linkėjimai visiems :D. Gali atrodyti keista, kad taip klausinėju, bet vis dėl to čia...

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