Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Oi Pedro! sou você, de mais ou menos 1 ano atrás. Vim aqui falar um pouquinho sobre amor próprio. Quanto você se ama? você ao menos sabe o que é isso? Não? talvez isso explique porque você...

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Hey, If you\\\'re reading this it\\\'s awesome! I was really afraid that you won\\\'t get this letter. I don\\\'t really know what to say but nvm. :D If you want to be friends, it would be...

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Dear December 2, 2020 Me... it's kinda odd that I'm sending this to the second day, not the first, but it has an aesthetic vibe to it, Lol. Okay, just a quick brief on stuff going on here now,...

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Dear FutureMe, Привет, с днём рождения меня из будущего. Мне через 2 дня исполниться 12 а тебе 18). Я очень хочу...

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Hey Aidan. It's yourself. Trust in your ability to accomplish anything and everything. You can change the world and you will. Believe in yourself.

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