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Laurence Nash Coach Smith English 3-6 March 29, 2018 A Letter To Myself When you read this one year from now you will be a completely new person than the one you were last year. You have...

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Happy birthday E! In case you decided not to be happy about it, I want to remind you even though you've always been unhappy whenever your birthday comes, still, there are people who would love to...

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Поздравляю СЕБЯ с Днём рождения:) Всего всего тебе:) пишу с ЛОЙГО, как дела вобще, сегодня пятница и...

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Dear FutureMe, Привет, с днём рождения меня из будущего. Мне через 2 дня исполниться 12 а тебе 18). Я очень хочу...

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Hello Mam, It's seren from 2012. I'm doing this letter2future thing so hopefully you will get this on your 30th birthday in 2015, (You'll most probably get this a week later from your...

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