Šį laišką rašo Deividas ir Laura iš praeities 2011-11-06 23:59 ;)
Kaip gyvenat? Sėdim kartu ir mastom ką čia parašius, kad būtų įdomu jį skaityti, brolis patarinėja...
I am sorry if life is still hard because of hair, though I expect it( hair) to be much better now. Got your mind on studies? I will make sure you are studying Computer Science at IIT...
Gian, You are SOOO INCRDIBLE! How do you do it??? Muaaa, Gian
Voy a tomarme unos minutos para desahogarme por aca, ya que no siento que le he contado demasiado de mis problemas a mi mejor amiga y aunque me ayuda a calmarme, dura poco porque el problema sigue...
Dear everyone,
Hope each one of you is in the best of health & living life fully. I wrote this letter back on 18 October, 2011, thinking it will be perfect to point out what the present is like...