Sveikas, aš čia tau rašo aš :D Dabar yra 2011.09.20 17:45 tikiuos jau susiradai drauge jei ne tai taip ir mirsiu vienisas :D forever alone guy :D siaip turbut smagu visai pamirsus apie si...
svaika austeja miela bendor van gogh
tikiuosi man sekasi gerai. idomu ak gavau dovanu. ai px.
ar ema su martynu dar pora? ji islydejo ji i oro uosta? ar viskas gerai? ant kiek mano sesuo girat...
In the future I plan to save money by not going out to eat every time I get my hand on some money. Also I will plan to go to work with my uncle and put back a percentage of what I get paid every...
Future Gaz! Happy 30th Birthday!
Its August 31st 2012. Your sat at work bored (nothing new) so I thought Id write to you to remind you where you were. I hope your not in the same job, you can do...
Hey there!
It's your birthday!
I got lego, puzzles,shoes,basketball ball for my birthday!
We played hide and seek.
How is year four going?
What is you're highest mark?
Too: Mitya Losev...