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Letzte Briefe
Dear future me, Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...

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Niekada nepamiršk,jog gyvenimas nelaukia ,kol tu pasiryši. Daryk, mylėk,negalvok, nesvarbu ką ir kaip. Padaryk viską ,kad sekundė,kurioje esi būtų verta žodžio "Fantasmagoriška"....

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M, I need to get over you. How? - G

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dear me! happy birtday=] i hope you have an awesome birthday bash=] when this was written you were in greece having a blast and hopefully you will go again this year!!!! at the moment you are with...

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Labas :) rašau iš praeities... Taip taip, pameni, "Letter2future"? :D Tai va, tik norėjau pasakyt, kad tikiuosi, jog esi laiminga, pasiekei visus išsvajotus savo gyvenimo tikslus, esi...

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