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Hey Jordan, I heard you are doing great in school and still playing your violin! Keep up the good work and stuff! I will be home for Christmas break next week and will be home for almost THREE...

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Jane, You know exactly what you are doing to yourself, you have your job, a good salary, you\\\'re a dreamer. Good luck! but there are times that you fell incomplete, right? I know how anxious...

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Labas, as tave myliu, kad ir kur tu bebutum:) dabar 00:04 2012 11 28 gintaro gimtadienis, siandien buvau kine, brekstanti ausra su ruta skirckyte, turime su Laura vaziuoti i ryga, o per kaledu...

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Labas Kaip sekasi? kaip mokykla? Turbut viskas gerai nes gavai laiska!!! Kaip egzaminai???

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fuck you brenden. and all you bitches who talk shit.

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