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Hello. Today is supposedly our 8th anniversary. Pero today din nagreply yung kathrina jane torres mo dun sa tanong ko kung nililigawan mo ba sya. And she answered yes. Ganda ng timing nya....

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Hi, it's me again, writing for the nth time (and definitely not the last). But today, I’m writing in a different light. There’s been a shift within me—I don’t know exactly what it is, but...

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Ciao Aurora! Come va? Spero che tu stia passando un periodo migliore di quello che sto passando io. Ci sono così tante cose da raccontare... Innanzitutto, la mia migliore amica (spero che sia...

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Dear Jenna, I love you! I hope I love me in 2015. Remember when you lived in that tiny 1 bdrm apt in San Francisco, with Dan and 2 dogs, and were in your last semester of grad school? Remember...

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Heya, my this is your ole\' future self aka Misha writing to you now! It\'s April Fool\'s day currently, and it\'s been really, really exciting. Let\'s forget the fact that everything consisted of...

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