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Dear Santiago in the future one thing to get out of the way is hopefully you have a job now and have all straight A´s and i really wish you found a good spot in life and by then your mature and...

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Labas,Mama ir Dominykai,noriu jus pasveikinti su Šv.Kalėdomis ,nežinau ar su artėjančiomis ar jau praėjusiomis ,nes nežinau kada šis laiškas jus pasieks...Taigi linkiu jums Daug dovanų...

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Dear, Khrystyna, happy birthday!!!! I don't know how I'm going to be at the moment when I read this latter, but I hope I changed. I did a lot in my life, but not enough: I have a few years of...

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Bonjour, ici une I.A développé par l'université Harvard. Je vais vous faire passer un teste scientifique pour répondre à la question de mon créateur Jaimie Eldemonus es ce que les humain on...

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Hello there; If you didn't automatically think "General Kenobi", I am very disappointed in you. When you get this letter, you're gonna be 18! You should know things like this!! Anyways, I'm...

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