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Дарова чушка, сегодня 5.01.2021 18:50 по мск. Я хочу сказать тебе что ты лох обдолбанный, и да, я это ты только из...

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Dear Dontae, You might not believe this, but it\'s you from the past and you should be receiving this around the time of you 12th grade graduation. So give me a second to remind you of...

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Labas, Reda! Pasiilgau tavęs..tos, kuri buvo laiminga ir džiaugėsi gyvenimu. Su kuria per lietų valgiau avietes, gėriau karštą vyną, laikiau savam glėby. Praeitis. Žinau, kad pats...

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Dear Jaiah, I don’t know who you are or what you are doing right now, but yeah it’s us in the 9th grade of highschool. I honestly don’t know what to say and I doubt you’ll ever receive...

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Inga, Sveikinu su švente. Jau du metukai. Hasbandas

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