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Hi, Beckah/Yuki, how are you? Did you ever get off medications? Or more so, how is your mental state? I'm writing this December 31, 2014 at 7:55am. Right now you're sick, just a head cold, nothing...

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Dear FutureMe, HALOOOOOO my older self :)) It's a letter from a few year ago. My self is developing and will always develop to become the better me. Right now, I am at my 3rd year in IF ITB and I...

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Ar yra dar žmonių, kurie dar saugo savo vertybes? Ar yra žmogus, kuriam aš rūpėčiau nuoširdžiai? Širdis mano pilna skausmo, sudraskyta. Sunku gyventi, sunku kvepuoti... Rašau, nes esu...

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Laurence Nash Coach Smith English 3-6 March 29, 2018 A Letter To Myself When you read this one year from now you will be a completely new person than the one you were last year. You have...

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Hi. I know this is gonna be so random but I think I need and I should say it before it's too late. It doesn't matter what you respond but I'd like to tell you that I like you. With all my...

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