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Letzte Briefe
I think its time to stop this feeling and a relationship that only me still remember. Every sing time t think about him, every single time i feel bad about myself. Its the fking sign dont u...

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Querida Lia do futuro, Escrevo-lhe neste momento, às 09:26 da manhã, enquanto você aguarda por uma IE na Unimed. À sua frente, repousa um pote de iogurte sabor whey de maracujá, uma...

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Labas, rašau tau prieš 3 metus! Ko gero, jau pamiršai, kad tokį laiškutį rašei sau. Pagal viską, dabar laikai egzaminus. Sėkmės, nes tau prireiks aukščiausių balų. Na va, parašysiu...

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Remember to not get distracted by the question, focus on what is not said as that is usually what is wrong with the problem. Focus on results not the different ways to get to a result.

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Hello 18 year old me! This may seem strange at first but this letter was sent from yourself in 2013! I hope you/me have achieved your/my goals: 1) Achieve good grades in school 2) Applied for a...

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