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Labas! Ho ho ho!Tau raso Santa is Laplandijos Santa nori tave pasveikint su taip visus metus lauktom Sv.Kaledom! Santa nori rau palinket per sias KALEDAS kepti daug daug imbieriniu...

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Labas Brigita. Praėjo beveik 5 metai nuo tada kai parašei šį laišką. Tau sekėsi gana gerai, buvai 11 klasėje, svajojai tapti policininke arba tiesiog kuo greičiau išvykti iš Lietuvos. Ir...

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Well, i don't really know what to say besides keep studying and looking over the notes we do in class and also try your best. Always try to smile and be happy as much as possible. Gotta raise that...

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Laiskas. Nauji.. paskutiniai metai... Arteja 18-ika, tad ir sveikinu tave su juo.

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Anthony... Your best mates are Jack Paphitis, Ryan Gourlay, Jack Roberts, Alex Rossiter, Duncan Stables and Conner O\\\'Reilly. If they aren\\\'t any more, find them, chat with them. Are you...

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