Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Heyyy Mom! ♡ Сразу не пугайся и не хватайся за сердце... Это я Марьяна пишу тебе письмо из прошлого в будущее... (...

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Dear Stacey, Whats it like in the future? HAHAHA oh wait im gonna know! Do you still smoke? I hope not, it sucks.Did you manage to get a career? boyfriend or husband? kids?! i cant wait to find...

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Hi buddy, By the time you are reading this I assume you're already 22. You made it! Just want to remind you of how strong you've become during those trying times. I know 2020 had been rough...

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Dear mal, First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are so old now lol. This letter is written by a 17 year old you. I hope that everything is ok.I hope that you are living you best life If you have a...

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Dear, My Future Self. Stay fabulous, keep ballin, and never forget Brian.By now you should have a job & be paying 1/2 of your car payment. Ways you could save money is by saving enough for half...

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