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Dear Nike, First of all... Happy 18th Birthday! You are now 18 and in sixth form! Today I first received a letter from the old you. It was written on 23-12-2012 and most of the stuff is kind of...

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hey future me, don’t know why i’m doing this but here i am. right now you’re a freshman @ irvington and it’s nov. 18, 2018. the sunday before thanksgiving break starts. remember?...

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Labas - tau 55! Dar vis karatiniesi? Buciuok zmona ir vaikus. Rasyk laiska sesiasdesimtmeciui

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Hello Lynn, I am writing this to you today 2nd December 2023 to remind you you're amazing, a go-getter and will achieve this. You're going to look back soon and be grateful you took this step....

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Dear Future Me, Though I am too lazy to learn vocabulary by heart, there are some ways to help media like to listen to music which is sung in English. It makes me easy and relaxes to develop a...

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