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Hi. I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I just want to say everything that's on my mind to make myself a little bit better. Ayoko kasi marepress feelings ko. I want to send this to you kasi...

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Hey! It's me, Alissa. not from the future nor past, but from the present! Today is January 5, 2016! We finally graduated! Congrats by the way on getting your license and not failing! hah love you!...

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Sveika, Deimante, cia raso Laura. Taigi si laiska tau parasiau pries keturis metus ir tikiuosi tu noresi ji perskaityti. Dabar laikrodis rodo 17:39 ir siandien treciadienis. Per technologiju...

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Hello Nanda, I hope this message has found it’s way to you. It's been a year since you asked me to be yours. I hope we are still together until today, so we can celebrate our first...

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