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Hello, Daniel Did things go the way you planned? Are you happy with how things are? Do you want things to continue this way? If the answer to all of these are no, then remember that you...

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Dear future Liam im in English class and it is 12:48. Had my bday a couple of days ago i got bunch of money hope your still getting heaps of money for you birthday in year 12 im in year 7 right now...

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Labas mažiau ;* šiandien debesėli, mums labai svarbi diena :)) taigi sveikinu su mūsų metinėmis, tikiuosi dainuosim abu ilgiausių metų, o ne kuris nors vienas (kai tavo kaimynai per...

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I want to be an engineer,i want to get good grades in all the subject i want to read more than 20 books

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Ieva! Labas, čia ateities Greta. Noriu tau palinkėti sėkmingos sesijos ir šiaip visko sėkmingo! Noriu priminti, kad eitum pašert triušių ir nepamirštum pažiūrėt serialų. Beje, kur...

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