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hello your mama is so poor she can't pay attention you mama is so fat she need a own zip code

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Hello, Im Obama and i want a huge DICK.

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Привет Данила, это тебе пишет человек из будущего. Наверное ты достиг всех своих целей и смог стать актером,...

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Well, it\\\\\\\'s not actually graduation day yet. I saw that I could write myself a letter on Instagram and actually thought it was kind of neat. I did this one in a year because I\'m going off to...

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Labas, Justele. Šį laišką pati sau parašei 2011.09.21 dieną, lygiai 22 valandą. Noriu tave pasveikinti su artėjančiu mokyklos baigimu ir tikiuosi, kad gerai išlaikysi egzaminus ir...

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