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Dear me its been 2 years you have finish high-school and either on the drive to your new home or not here to this day if you are heading to Vegas then i wish you luck on the drive you did so...

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Dear Me. :) - When you receive this letter you should be past your 21st birthday, you will have competed in many stick fights (hopefully no more broken bones), you will have done the dreaded senior...

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Hello me, Now, in october 2017, I love milk chocolate, I like the school, I don't like math, I hate to do my homework and I love youtube. I want to vist New York. I hope to have a big house....

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Hi, it's Brandon from December 10th, 2011 reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My cousin...

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