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Labas, tėti! Sveikinu tave su gimtadieniu! Linkiu daug laimės, sveikatos ir geros nuotaikos :) Nusprendžiau parašyti laišką, juk taip smagu gauti laišką! :D Linksmai atšvęsk :)

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Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

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Dear future me, Hi! By now you have graduated high school, and have probably learned how to drive and taken some classes in aeronautical engineering/flying. This year was the first year in...

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Dear FutureMe, Hey dude. It's 2028 right? Wow man hope things are going well, here in 2018 you're living in Kirkcaldy with Angie. About to finish your BA and hoping to get a good job. Couple...

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Bom, hoje faz 1 ano desde que fui transferido para este serviço. Ainda não tenho muita noção do que faço aqui e me preocupo. Estou com uma depressão que me prejudica muito, fico o tempo todo...

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