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April 19, 2021 Dearest April 19, Hi April! Happy birthday! You’re 18 now and you’re sad. Currently, you are in your room. Do you even have a room? Remember your favorite worn out white...

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Remember to not get distracted by the question, focus on what is not said as that is usually what is wrong with the problem. Focus on results not the different ways to get to a result.

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I just got home from hanging out with him. and i know i am only 19, but i want more than anything to marry this kid. so i wanna know if your feelings have changed? do you still think about him...

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Привет! Когда тебе придет это письмо тебе будет уже 18 лет. Надеюсь у тебя получилось воплотить мою мечту и ты...

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Ciao Miwa, o Maurizio. Ti mando una lettera dal 2013 per farti un po\' di domande sul futuro che tanto aspetto, poi oddio mi conosci... sai come sono malinconico. Per prima cosa BUON COMPLEANNO!...

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