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test to see if this site really works and not some crap like futureme

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Remember.....What happened between EmilyG and AsheyA(CRUSTY) How was High school football? How was high school? Did you ever win state? What College are you going to? Oregon,Texas...

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Dear me Are you still sad about Light's death in Death Note, if you arent i'm sure you are now that i reminded you. He died on a staircase like why!!!!!!!! So sad... Anyways is mrs.Smyrnios...

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Ieva! Labas, čia ateities Greta. Noriu tau palinkėti sėkmingos sesijos ir šiaip visko sėkmingo! Noriu priminti, kad eitum pašert triušių ir nepamirštum pažiūrėt serialų. Beje, kur...

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Labas, Visada galvoju, ką tau padovanoti gimtadieniui, bet dovanoti daiktą kažkaip neįdomu, banalu, todėl pamaniau, galbūt tave pradžiugintų ar bent jau nustebintų... laiškas... iš...

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