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Hola mi ailu hermosa, espero que cuando te llegue esto: 1. no sigamos en cuarentena por la pandemia. 2. sigamos siendo las amigas inseparables que somos. Feliz año nuevo mi amor. Espero...

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Labas, Beata, tau rašo Beata iš ateities. Ar kada nors pagalvojai, kad gali sulaukti laiško iš manęs? Turbūt dabar galvoji, kad tai žiaurus pokštas, deja, ne. Rašau nes noriu...

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Tu gali galvoti kad tu esi zmogus, bet tu neesi zmogus, tu esi zmogus. As nezinau kodel tu zmogus, arba kodel as debesys, bet zinau kad turiu sparnus, ir juos pameciau. Ajajajai.... Kai tu...

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come on this website and look at a letter and there all in fucking polish or some shit, what the fuck is this...a joke and a farce and a joke again

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Hey hoora, how are you ? Did you get married ? What is your subject in collage ? Wich collage are you study? I hope you finished your English ;D date is 96.6.28 Are you still in Iran ? I cant...

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