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Per kalėdas noėčiau gauti telefona lieciamu ekranu su dviejom sim kortelem o daugiau ir nieko kaip ir nereikia aciu uz dovanas jeigu jas man suteikisi kokiu prasiau nors ir netokios bet vistiek...

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Vineeth Noble, an experienced artist of the country passes away at the age of 43. He has sadly taken his own life at his home the previous day. The individual was a promising young man in the...

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Labas, Juste! Na tikiuosi dabar tu laikaisi labai gerai ir kaip visada lauki savo gimtadienio. Kaip nuotaika? Tikiu, kad gali atsakyti PUIKI! Ir ne vien todėl, kad artėja gimtadienis, bet ir...

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Hello Guoda, If you\\\\\\\'re reading this letter, you got it! Horay. So, today it\\\\\\\'s your 16th birthday and I hope you\\\\\\\'re okay. Are you tumblr famous yet? Where have you traveled? Do...

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Jingle all the way. How may Christmasses has it been now...? and how many since you've really been yourself? Make that answer '0' please. Keep warm. Hot drinks, woolies, winter-y (but not...

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