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Dear me, I don't seem to Picture or imagine anything less than helping people and meeting needs. I know I cannot possibly meet everyone's needs and solve all the problems going on in the world....

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Hey buddy, Hope all is well! I\'m writing to you so that you know where your life is at. Right now, I\'m stationed in San Diego. Attached to a helo command as a Second Class in the Avionics...

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Hey you. Happy birthday btw ur 17 years old smh ur old. Today is May 18th, 2020 and you passed your chem exam woohoo I hope you know how to drive or at least have your license by then. Also, have...

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Rokai, Išaušo ta diena, kai galiu pats save nuoširdžiai pasveikinti su 25-uoju gimtadieniu! Rokai, tikiuosi visi tavo norai išsipildė, o kas neišsipildė, dar išsipildys. :) Rašau tau...

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Dear FutureMe, Writing as I sit at a couch in a tiny apartment of an amazing city of Singapore. Another leap year and another leap today. Go out tonight and drink champagne. Just. Just do it...

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