Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
Letzte Briefe
I will be get a job. I will go out with someone. I will have a pass exams. I will leave school.

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Am, rašau su viltimi, kad pamiršus esi visus sunkumus kuriuos išgyvenu dabar. Tikiuosi skautuose esi pasiekusi daug ir sėkmingai turi savo būrelį skautukų. Jei ne, tuoj pat grįšk, nes tai...

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Labas, brangioji (Gretute pyktute) :* Noriu tave pasveikinti su graziom ir nuostabiom sventem. Linkiu, kad sios sventes butu pacios graziausios, kad visi norai ir lukesciai isipildytu ir butum...

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Happy birthday E! In case you decided not to be happy about it, I want to remind you even though you've always been unhappy whenever your birthday comes, still, there are people who would love to...

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I will destroy myself. I will be friends with Shehnur. I will play the new game \'Kill yourself\'. I will marry Shefko with Aneta. I will become the president of the USA. I will watch \'The walking...

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