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Dear Lily, Happy 17th birthday! If you're wondering who this is, this is Ashley from the past. The 14 year old Ashley, to be specific. I came writing because I want to know if we have...

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Labas Monika, tau dabar si laiska rashau ish darbo penkiuose, nuo mano laisko ishsiuntimo praejo trys metai, tikiuosi viskas dar gerai ;-)* Su artėjančiu gimtadieniu ;P

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Dear FutureMe, I'm writing you this letter from 10 years ago. I'll talk about the current situation of the world and my environment and your level of foreign language knowledge. First of all,...

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Na ką gi... Šiandien 2011-10-28.. Už lango šildo saulė, oras atrodo gražus, tačiau ilgiau pabuvus lauke be galo pasidaro šalta. :) Taip.. Dabar esu dar vis 11-toke, ta pati be proto naivi,...

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ааа, чому світ став таким сірим?( я боюсь збожеволіти. так хочеться сонця,жити подорожуючи по світу,...

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