Am Beliebtesten
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Дорогая моя! Волшебница! Поздравляю тебя - ты стала мамой здорового малыша!!! Как я рада за тебя! Желаю тебе...

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Dear future Rachel... Hey its me rachel from a year ago, i wrote this letter to you while crying at 1AM. Yeah right how pathetic ambi crying in the middle of the night...what a waste of energy...

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Dear Mauricio, Hope that from a year from today you'll be making much more than you are right now in your life. Keep designing for the love of it, never loose that passion. Remember that time...

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Ech, Was forced to Make another one of these, SO, I guess I'll just Put random shiz here. Holly, Gabe, and Sela are all bein Butz still, And Everything at the House is... Alright... I guess......

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если ты это читаешь гена ,то я надеюсь тынашел себе девушку.и утебя все хорошо.я писал это 13.02.2020в 14:24 . Я...

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