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Dear Mum and Dad, I just wanted to tell you that I love you from the year 2012. That's quite cool isn't it? A bit cheesey maybe. You'll probably laugh at me when you open this. (It's like that...

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مرحبا صديقي، إنني أنت في الماضي قبل 10 سنوات حيث كنت تتخبط بين الكثير من الخيارات و لم تعلم ما اللذي ستفعله...

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Сделать фотку вчетвером на выпускной на кортанах с пальцами телефонодудками

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Hello again. You're almost old, so I thought I'd spark off some reminiscence before your time comes. You live where you lived now. You know and love who you did now. But I hope you have a...

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