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Hi there! It’s me! Wait- no it’s you? Anyways, how are you doing? Hopefully you’re doing good, I hope you guys aren’t in quarantine still. Do you have a car yet? I hope you do, the s14 is...

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Dear Sweetness, Today is my 40th birthday. Thank God I am still here, pero di ko sure since i am sending this 1:54am May 30, 2021 (Covid19 pandemic) sana may flight tayo somewhere sa Europe this...

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Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

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Miela,Beatričė Štai aš rašau tau laišką.Ir man tai yra labai keista. Nes šis laiškas nekažkokiam kita žmogui ,bet man. Tai aišku gavai šį laišką, dabar ir noriu paklausti...

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i wrote this letter because im starting this eog and it's coming up soon i really won't to past it and make it to 7th grade and keep on going till im out of school i hope i pass the reading and...

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