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Hey Albert it's me you at 18 were dating aunika rn dont know if that's still going on but it is rn so yeah. What new movies are coming out bro have you been keeping up with Mitchell how are mabes...

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hi gaurav, this is to yourself from 19-07-2016 .you have just completed graduation and about to enter law school.you don't have any idea where yoy will end up in life.you are currently...

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dear jacob it is the first day of school my goals for this year is to befcome samson house caption and to get my star award if i do i will shout every one in my class a ice block and for the...

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Hi. First, I want you to promise that you won't freak out or panic to what you will read. So here it is. I want you to greet first a Happy Birthday! Enjoy this special day of yours. I...

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