Am Beliebtesten
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ты смогла похудеть до 35кг? у тебя красивая талия? ты любишь себя? поступила в муз. колледж? собираешься...

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find peace soon

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I just got home from hanging out with him. and i know i am only 19, but i want more than anything to marry this kid. so i wanna know if your feelings have changed? do you still think about him...

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Hello future me, First of all, I hope that you make a most to life and I think that read this letter it is in the good wealth. I hope that understand to letter. I hope you family is still in...

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Anh của em, Lại thêm một bức thư em gửi Nhật mà chẳng biết anh có đọc hay ko :)). Khi anh nhận được bức thư này thì mình cũng đã xa nhau một khoảng...

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