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Dear Josh, Before you read this, put on a Johnny Cash Record and get a glass of whiskey. If you don't have a record player, or a stash of whiskey, go out and get one, dammit. I thought I was...

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Ciao Riccardo del futuro. Mi spieghi che è successo dal 2018 al 2020? Grazie.

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To Senior Ja-Nae Molina; “Remind yourself that success is achieving something while facing disappointment, jealousy, and guilt.” God, I hope you don’t end up quitting for the next 2 years,...

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Dear Mr. Novilla: Hello Boyfriend at my present time, Happy 22nd Birthday Honey! Today, 01 June 2020 at around two thirty-three (2:33am) I am writing this letter to tell you that I love you...

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sveikinu su gintadieniu is praeities 2011 09 28

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