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Hi this is you from the past. I wrote this on 21/07/2012 at around 7:10. This is the first day of Ramadhan. I hope by now you have your life in order and are on your way to go to Otago university!...

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Hello dear Gaby, I am writing this letter to you from the past. I wanted to say that no matter what happens, keep a smile on your face and be happy, because if you won\'t, who will? I mean no one...

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Hey Joel what's up? Well let's see where do I start... Well Let me start off by saying this,Congratulation's on getting your GED,I'm so happy for you.This is but ONE step closer to your dream but...

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Cagliari, 11 giugno 2017 to somewhere, 11 giugno 2027 Cara me, di nuovo. Non so dove tu sia in questo momento, cosa tu stia facendo e forse non so nemmeno chi tu sia oggi. Però ci conosciamo,...

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