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By the time you read this email, it will have been 10 years since I sent it. How crazy is that? Today it is May 12th and I set this letter to be sent 10 years into the future, but on our birthday!...

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bruv when you walk in oof OAH nucc owo ainsley data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhU QEhIVFRIVFRUQFRUQFRAVFRIVFRUWFxUSFRUYHSggGB0lGxUVI...

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Некогда не забывай свою религию Пожелеешь Начни изучать свою религию больше делай намаз не пропуская его...

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Hi! I'm keeping this short because we have lots to do. I hope your preparing well for your very important exam in 2 months. I know how discouraging these months have been and you're scrambling with...

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