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I admire you. you proved to me that you're not the same Aea before. I know that you will be very happy by now and hopefully, you passed the CET for your choice of university. I love you!

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Hey, Happy 28th birthday! Today's date is the 8th January 2012 and I'm currently 17, doing A levels and avoiding revision for January A2 modules. At the moment I have uni offers from Reading,...

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Labas žavi ryžaplauke, nežinau kodėl taip mėgstu rašyti laiškus ir po kelių metų leisti sau susigraudinti juos beskaitant ar pasidžiaugti, jog dabar yra geriau. Mūsų laimė tokia...

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I want to be an engineer,i want to get good grades in all the subject i want to read more than 20 books

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