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Letzte Briefe
i just finished watching a hallmark movie (i didn't even see the title actually). This movie was about a New York copy editor who had a lot of fear, and about a photographer who had issues of...

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Labas ME. Čia AŠ iš praeities. Su aštuonioliktu gimtadieniu ! Užsitūsink iki galo !!! Žinoma nepamiršk manęs (tiksliau savęs). Tikiuosi esi laiminga :) Visos tavo svajonės išsipildė ?...

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From lycée sud médoc To myself Hello ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! My name is Noémie...

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Labas Aiste, Turbut malonu dabar skaityti ši laiska as ji rasau 2012-11-29. Tikiuosi kad visos svajones issipilde ir gerai sekesi islaikyti egzaminus ;-D. Dabar as tuo labai tikiu. Ir jeigu dar...

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hey future me, don’t know why i’m doing this but here i am. right now you’re a freshman @ irvington and it’s nov. 18, 2018. the sunday before thanksgiving break starts. remember?...

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